Saturday, April 5, 2014

Alien Opponent (2010)

The plot of Alien Opponent is that a redneck man catches his wife cheating on him and chokes her before the woman's mom kills him with a hammer. At around the same time this is happening, an alien spaceship crash lands by the mom's junkyard. The mom and daughter are now looking to collect the dead husband's insurance money, but the alien took the body. So they offer a $100,000 reward to anyone who can find the body and kill the alien intruder. Pretty soon the junkyard is populated with the likes of a priest, a war vet looking for his daughter, a martial arts instructor and his students, a baseball and football team, a man with a flamethrower and a welding helmet covered head to toe with metal, and more.

The movie, for the most part, is pretty good fun. A lot of the townies competing for the money are pretty weird, but very few of them are really memorable, with the exception of the priest and flamethrower guy. There is also way too much CGI. I could get past the fast that the titular space-suited Alien Opponent was animated entirely in CGI because he (or it) looked pretty good, but I really don't like CGI gore. It's a shame because there is a pretty good amount of it here. For the first half it's mostly just gunshots and other small wounds, and a lot of the more extreme stuff is kept off-screen, but it picks up during the second half, where a man is cut in half, another has his head caved in by a baseball and bat after being zombified, and another is gorily killed with a chainsaw.

While it may not be great, Alien Opponent is a pretty welcome distraction. Those of you who like action, sci-fi, gore and b-movies may want to check it out.

Gore Meter: 3/5
Nudity Meter: 0/5
6 out of 10 garbage bags

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