About This Blog

A picture of me

Hello, I am a Retarded Vacuum from the planet Vacuumus. I have an avid love for the horror and splatter genres and have created what you humans call a "blog" to share this interest with the world and hopefully help you, the reader, discover some new movies you may be interested in.

I first showed an interest in film when all of my friends started raving about various movies including 12 Angry Meiles, Raiders of The Lost AirVac, Saving Private Rug Doctor, A Clockwork Oreck, Requiem For A Dirt Devil, and The Good, The Bad, and The US Products, so I thought I would check some of them out. I loved all of them, and made film a passion of mine, but since films on my home planet are basically salt shakers attached to a pair of goggles, I got bored with film quickly. So I joined NASA (The National Administration of Sucking Apparatus') and set out on an expedition to the farthest reaches of the galaxy to find out what movies other planets had to offer. I ended up on earth, where I discovered Taco Bell, cats, two-piece swimwear, Justin Timberlake and some of the most sophisticated movie making techniques I have ever seen. One fateful day I discovered the "splatter" genre by mistake when I put in a copy of Peter Jackson's zombie classic Dead Alive. During the famous lawnmower sequence, my inner mechanisms tingled with excitement, I felt a sensation of pleasure inside me that kept gradually increasing until before I knew it all of the trash I had sucked up the previous day had become liquified and emptied onto the floor below me. I have loved the splatter genre ever since.

Since that day, I have dedicated my free time to tracking down the most obscure of gore and horror films in hopes of finding a hidden gem buried beneath all the garbage, and maybe watching some other movies too. This blog is an account of this quest.

Have a wonderful day, and happy reading :)

Vacuum Screech!!!!

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