Sunday, March 30, 2014

Dawn of An Evil Millenium (1988)

I was looking online for some splatter shorts and I found this little oddity from Damon Packard. This isn't splatter (though it has a few moments), what it is, however, is incoherent, insane, hilarious, and, in a way, mesmerizing.

The plot centers around a demon from an alien planet who is sent to earth to destroy all mankind while riding around in a custom 1970's Oldsmobile. He splits up into two beings, one of them good and one of them evil. A cop and his partner are after them, there's something about gnomes controlling the forest, I don't know. Some of the characters are difficult to understand because of heavy echo and distortion effects, I probably wouldn't have understood half of what was happening if I didn't read the description before I watched. But I don't think the point of the movie is to understand it, I certainly didn't care either way because I was just so mesmerized at the images being placed before me.

This movie is often very comical with it's randomness, I laughed out loud on several occasions.

While it may not be for everyone, Dawn of an Evil Millennium is surreal, crazy, off-the-wall and fascinating in it's bizarreness. I will definitely be looking into more of Mr. Packard's works. 

8 out of 10 garbage bags

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