Sunday, March 30, 2014

Vampire Academy (2014)

I'm not one to bash or criticize other people's opinions, but quite frankly I'm amazed at all the positive reviews.

In my mind, if your not a girl between the ages of 8 to 16 then this movie has nothing for you. This movie was not funny, it was annoying, actually it was really annoying. The harder it tried to be funny, and the more irritatingly stupid dialog spewed out of these generic teenage character's mouths, the more annoying it got.

While the gore is rather heavy by PG-13 standards, the action scenes were nothing to write home about for the most part.

I found the movie to be a little hard to follow, but not because the plot itself is confusing, actually it was because the movie had a very hard time keeping my attention, mostly because I didn't care about many of the characters. I didn't care about Generic Hot Teenager #1's secret crush on her teacher, I didn't care about Token Annoying Girl, I didn't care about Generic Bad Boy Chick Magnet, and I definitely didn't care about Stereotypical B**** Character and Stereotypical B****y Head Mistress.

Well, now that I've bashed the movie into the ground, I would like to say that I actually think that the VA series could have some potential to be good if, no, when they make it into a franchise. If they would lose the clique teen vampire movie plot line, and not skimp out on the gore, or at least make it more interesting. We'll see what happens.

I think I'm being a little hard on this movie, I was actually going to give it a 4, but then I decided to lower my rating, hoping in vain that I would even out the scale a little bit. This does not deserve the 7 that it currently has.

Generic, clique, annoying, stupid and boring. But it could have been worse.

3 out of 10 garbage bags

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