Sunday, March 30, 2014

Guinea Pig (1985) (Short)

Just so you know, I was pretty much unaffected by any of the torture in this movie, so that doesn't affect my opinion. What does affect my opinion is that this movie is downright boring!

I mean, it started off kind of interesting, but it got really slow with all of the long "experiments" and the lingering shots, and, though I'm sure she did the best she could, the victim didn't really give a convincing enough performance for me to be really believe she was suffering, with the exception of a few scenes, which as a result made me unable to be very disturbed or uncomfortable. I did squirm a little in a few scenes, but that was it.

To be fair though, it was pretty much exactly what I was expecting. 45 minutes of three completely random guys torturing a completely random girl (who falls asleep a lot I might add), no plot, just torture. They slap her (over... and over... and over again), kick her, spin her in a chair until she vomits, pour boiling hot water on her arm and then pour maggots in the wound, throw guts all over her while she's sleeping (???), and there's the eyeball scene, which is really the only memorable thing about this movie.

There are also some scenes of the victim in some kind of net out in the woods, which seem to pop up at random and make no sense, it made sense when it came up at the beginning of the movie because that's how we can assume she got captured, but when it keeps popping up throughout not meaning anything, it's unnecessary. Maybe it did mean something, I don't know.

Another thing that didn't really make sense: The girl's getting guts thrown on her while she's asleep, she wakes up to find she's covered in guts and she screams for like a minute, but when she had boiling hot water poured on her arm she barely even groaned!?!?!?!

At it's best, the movie made us feel sorry for the girl and everything that's happening to her, at it's worst, it's dreadfully boring and non-believable. Overall, it seems like a rather pointless movie. I don't know, maybe I'm just really jaded, but I wouldn't recommend this one myself.

5 out of 10 garbage bags

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